外贸电子数显卡尺0-150mm数显游标卡尺数字显示 优惠
产品报价: 电讯
所属分类: 数显卡尺
产品规格: 0-150mm
联系人: *兵
移动电话: 158****9873
固定电话: 86*************6953
公司名称: 深圳市有棵树科技有限公司
公司地址: 坂田五和南路41号
主营业务: 航模锂电池

名称: 数显卡尺 尺寸: 240 x 80 x 12mm 材质: 不锈钢+塑料 重量: 信封包装约175g 塑料盒装约290g 颜色: 参考可选项 包装: 黄色信封 介绍: 不锈钢数显卡尺 电子卡尺 游标卡尺 0-150mm/0.01 电池 ------卡尺里面装1粒 另外附送1粒 此价格为外贸黄色信封包装!如果需要塑料盒包装,另加1.5元/把! features: electric stainless steel digital vernier dial caliper gauge micro meter 150mm note: for the box is so heavy, and the post office would charge us by weight. so we send the item without original box, if you want to buy the item with box, please contact us fit. sorry for this inconvenience, your undetanding would be much appreciated. electronic digital caliper made of hardened stainless steel internal, external and height dimeio can be easily and accurately measured linear capacitive measuring system zero setting in any position with a small locking thumb screw which locks the jaws in place base measuring function: iide, outside, depth and step measuring with easy to read large lcd display handy conveion chart at the back an ideal tool for a broad range of industrial and automotive applicatio specificatio: measuring range: 0–150 mm/ 0–6 inch. resolution: 0.01mm/ 0.0005 in. repeatability: 0.01mm/ 0.0005 in. accuracy: + 0.02 mm/ 0.001 in. (<100 mm), + 0.03 mm/ 0.001 in. (>100 – 150 mm) maximum measurement speed: 1m power: 1 x 1.5v sr44 (silver oxide cell) battery (included) battery life: 1 year for continuous usage / 3 yea under normal operation size: 240 x 80 x 12mm packging content: 1 x digital caliper 1 x 1.5v sr44 (silver oxide cell) battery 买家必读: 1,此款数显卡尺是外贸转内销,不印品牌logo,请在意品牌的亲们慎拍.配英文说明书! 2,此款数显卡尺质量是不能和高档的卡尺相比的,如果用高档卡尺的标准来验收这卡尺的亲们请不要拍,没有天上掉馅饼的,想花少的钱买高档的卡尺是不可能的.但我们保证您收到的货量程是0-150mm,分辨率是0.01mm可以正常使用的数显卡尺. 任何卡尺都有一定的误差范围的,这个是任何测量仪器都会存在。 3,我们接受因质量问题(不显示或乱码)的退换货,不接受因/品质不好/,/达不到我的想象要求/等非质量问题的原因退换货,请各位亲们谅解,因为大家的时间都挺保贵.我们店里所售产品都是全新的,没有旧的,不接受/这产品是旧的/原因的退换货. 4,这款卡尺因为我们出口量大,包装有2种:塑料盒装和黄色信封外贸包装。建议购买塑料盒装卡尺,运输途中更有保障。如果觉得盒装(约280g)重量较重,可以选择信封包装(约175g)的! 本产品的品牌是中性,型号是0-150mm,类型是电子数显卡尺,测量范围是0-150mm(mm),分辩率是0.01(mm),读数值是0.01(mm)(mm),sku是y308